Wednesday 15 May 2024

Oracle Apps : Global Descriptive Flexfield not enabling for Malaysia on AR Transaction Form

For one of our customers, we enabled the Global Descriptive Flexfield (GDFF) for India and Malaysia.  The GDFF appeared successfully for India responsibility, but was not enabled for Malaysia responsibility. All the needed configurations were correctly done for both countries.

Configurations at a high level.

  • Added 2 contexts (and the needed segments) for the DFF JG_RA_CUSTOMER_TRX as below 
  • Set the following profiles under Profile Options:
    • JG: Applications
    • JG: Product 
    • JG: Territory
  • Added the function JG_ENABLE_GLOBAL_FLEX to the root menu of both country responsibilities

Upon conducting extensive investigation, we discovered that the 'JA.pll' was not getting called when the form was opened from the Malaysia responsibility.  This pll is supposed to be opened for the Asia Pacific countries, which includes both India and Malaysia.

Further investigation revealed that 'GLOBE.pll' was being called, but there was a code in that PLL which was missing Malaysia (MY) in the list within the procedure 'GET_PRODUCT_FROM_COUNTRY'.

So, the solution was to modify 'GLOBE.pll' and add the country code 'MY' to the list.

The modified code looks like below:

After compiling the modified PLL in the server, the GDFF started appearing in the AR Transaction Form.

Note: If your version of PLL is a higher version, then this may not be an issue for you.

Feel free to point out if anything is missing/wrong in this blog.

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