Friday 28 June 2019

WebADI : Custom Integrators not appearing in the 'Create Document' Integrator LOV in R12

If your custom Integrator is not appearing in Integrator list of values in the 'Desktop Integration --> Create Document' function, check the below settings.

Navigation: Desktop Integration Manager --> Manage Integrators 
Search for your custom Integrator

Click on the update icon

Make sure 'Display in Create Document Page' is selected and the function BME_ADI_CREATE_DOCUEMENT is added as a function under the Security Rules section.

You could also override the profile option  'BNE Allow No Security Rule' to ‘Yes’, but the recommended Value is ‘No’

Helpful Links:
New Desktop Integrator Responsibility Missing Integrators (Doc ID 472160.1)

Feel free to point out if anything is wrong/missing in this post.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Oracle Apps: Apply Credit Memo against Debit Memo using API

This is some sample code which we have used in Release 12.1.3 instance to apply Credit Memo against Debit Memo in Bulk.

This code expects you already have the Customer Account Number, Credit Memo and Debit Memo details. You just need to replace the SELECT from DUAL section in the cursor and replace with your values.

  CURSOR c_get_trx IS
    SELECT t.account_number   account_number
          ,TO_NUMBER(t.amt)   apply_amount
          ,t.dm_number           dm_trx_number
          ,t.dm_date dm_trx_date
          ,psd.customer_trx_id dm_trx_id
          ,psd.payment_schedule_id dm_ps_id
          ,psd.amount_due_remaining dm_amt_remaining
          ,psd.status dm_status
          ,t.cm_number cm_trx_number
          ,t.cm_date cm_trx_date
          ,psc.customer_trx_id cm_trx_id
          ,psc.payment_schedule_id cm_ps_id
          ,psc.amount_due_remaining cm_amt_remaining
          ,psc.status cm_status
    FROM   (SELECT '2412315'                             "ACCOUNT_NUMBER"
                   ,'100.50'                             "AMT"
                   ,'95000'                              "DM_NUMBER"
                   ,TO_DATE('01-Jan-2018','DD-Mon-YYYY') "DM_DATE"
                   ,'130000'                             "CM_NUMBER"
                   ,TO_DATE('05-Jan-2018','DD-Mon-YYYY') "CM_DATE"
            FROM   dual) t
           ,hz_cust_accounts ca
           ,ar_payment_schedules psd
           ,ar_payment_schedules psc
    WHERE  ca.account_number = t.account_number
    AND    psd.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
    AND    psd.class = 'DM'
    AND    psd.trx_number = t.dm_number
    AND    TRUNC(psd.trx_date) = t.dm_date
    AND    psc.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
    AND    psc.class = 'CM'
    AND    psc.trx_number = t.cm_number
    AND    TRUNC(psc.trx_date) = t.cm_date ;
  x_application_id      NUMBER;
  x_amount_applied_from NUMBER;
  x_amount_applied_to   NUMBER;
  -- Apps Initialize
  --Initilize with the Receivables Responsibility
  FOR r_rec IN c_get_trx
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Account Number ' || r_rec.account_number);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Applying Credit Memo: ' || r_rec.cm_trx_number || ' to Debit Memo : ' || r_rec.dm_trx_number);
    IF NVL(r_rec.dm_status
          ,'X') != 'OP'
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('*****ERROR: Debit Memo is not Open. This cannot be applied.');
    END IF;
    IF r_rec.dm_amt_remaining < r_rec.apply_amount
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('*****ERROR: Amount to be applied > Remaining amount on Debit Memo.');
    END IF;
      arp_process_application.cm_application(p_cm_ps_id                  => r_rec.cm_ps_id
                                            ,p_invoice_ps_id             => r_rec.dm_ps_id
                                            ,p_amount_applied            => r_rec.apply_amount
                                            ,p_apply_date                => SYSDATE
                                            ,p_gl_date                   => SYSDATE
                                            ,p_out_rec_application_id    => x_application_id
                                            ,p_acctd_amount_applied_from => x_amount_applied_from
                                            ,p_acctd_amount_applied_to   => x_amount_applied_to
                                            ,p_ussgl_transaction_code    => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute_category        => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute1                => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute2                => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute3                => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute4                => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute5                => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute6                => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute7                => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute8                => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute9                => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute10               => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute11               => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute12               => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute13               => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute14               => NULL
                                            ,p_attribute15               => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute_category => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute1         => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute2         => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute3         => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute4         => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute5         => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute6         => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute7         => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute8         => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute9         => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute10        => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute11        => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute12        => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute13        => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute14        => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute15        => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute16        => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute17        => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute18        => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute19        => NULL
                                            ,p_global_attribute20        => NULL
                                            ,p_customer_trx_line_id      => NULL
                                            ,p_module_name               => 'RAPI'
                                            ,p_module_version            => 1.0);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Successfully applied!!!');
        DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('*****ERROR: Unable to apply credit memo ' || r_rec.cm_trx_number || ': ' ||
                             app_exception.get_type || ':' || app_exception.get_code || ':' || app_exception.get_text);

Feel free to point out if anything is wrong/missing in this post.